Tourism Hotline: 1912

Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority Mobile Service Goes Online

( Posted on April 18, 2016 )

Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority Mobile Service Goes Online

Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) re-launched its flagship Mobile Service after a long absence which delivers various SLTDA services such as hotel inspections, issuance of business licenses, tourism training etc. in Arugmbay in end of last month. SLTDA conducted the mobile service with assistance of International Finance Corporation (IFC).

The concept behind the mobile service is to provide licensing and other related services to the tourism industry in regions where by reducing them having to come head office which is located in Colombo.

During the mobile service, for the first time, SLTDA was able to process, print and issue licenses to tourism business operators such as hotels, restaurants in the area. SLTDA was able to carry out this process by using latest Information Technology (IT) which helps SLTDA to set up a mobile office anywhere in the country, where an internet connection is available. This technology helps SLTDA to connect the mobile office to systems located in the head office in Colombo, in real time and process business licensing requests.

SLTDA is planning to expand the mobile service in the future to cater to every region of the country where new and existing licensees can obtain this service during the mobile service which will be held in their respective areas.

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