Tourism Hotline: 1912

Capturing the special moments of the train ride arranged for UNWTO delegates

( Posted on September 2, 2016 )

Esala Perahera

The foreign delegates who arrived in Sri Lanka to participate at the recently concluded United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) conference in Passikuda were transferred to Pasikudda by a special train organized by Sri Lanka Tourism.

Esala Perahera

The train ride from Katunayake airport to Valachchenai railway station, about 8 km away from Passikudah was a real eye opener as the delegates experienced the unique beauty of the country whilst many villagers waved cheerfully as the train sped past towns and villages. The historic train journey was described as ‘fantastic’ by delegates including UNWTO Secretary General Dr. Taleb Rifai.

Esala Perahera

The high profile conference which was organised by Sri Lanka Tourism in collaboration with UNWTO was held in July at Amaya Beach Resort, Passikudah. This was the first time a high profile international conference was held in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka to showcase the tourism potential of the east coast.

Esala Perahera

Esala Perahera

Esala Perahera

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