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Sri Lanka gears up for the Global Bohra Convention 2019

( Posted on August 27, 2019 )

Sri Lanka gears up for the Global Bohra Convention 2019

The Bohra Global Convention is scheduled to be held from 1 st to 10 th September 2019 in Colombo, with an estimated participation of over 20, 000 guests, with accommodation expected in all-star class hotels. The main purpose of holding this event is to assure them of the security measures which had been which had been taken to relieve any concerns which they have regarding security. Most of the participants are expected to tour the country either before or after the event, bringing much needed revenue and stimulating the hospitality sector in the tourist destinations across the island. This event will bring a positive impact on tourism and also to encourage more tourist arrivals from Middle Eastern Countries.

Sri Lanka gears up for the Global Bohra Convention 2019

The Bohra convention this year is probably the single biggest event to be hosted in Colombo in recent times, and Sri Lanka was finally chosen as the destination for the convention to be held this year, taking its exclusive cultural and natural attractions into consideration. Despite the incidents which took place in April 21 st , Sri Lanka was able to secure its place as a number one travel destination and was renamed by the Lonely Planet as the best destination once again, even after the incident. Not only that, Sri Lanka was also named the Best Island destination by Travel and Leisure magazine just a few weeks ago.

Sri Lanka gears up for the Global Bohra Convention 2019

Most of the participants are expected to tour the country either before or after the event bringing much needed revenue and stimulating the hospitality sector in the tourist destinations across the island.

Sri Lanka gears up for the Global Bohra Convention 2019

Sri Lanka gears up for the Global Bohra Convention 2019

Sri Lanka gears up for the Global Bohra Convention 2019

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