Visiting Journalist Program (VJP) is one of the main public relation (PR) programs conducted by Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) under international marketing promotions. This program focuses on various aspects of promoting destination Sri Lanka through different media platforms acting as a powerful marketing tool for generating publicity to destination Sri Lanka. The program facilitates journalists from countries around the world, to gather firsthand experience visiting various parts of Sri Lanka and in return, generating insights to influence travel decisions of potential visitors to destination Sri Lanka.
The main objective of Visiting Journalists Program is to annually bring down a target number of Journalists representing leading print and electronic media in the world to promote Sri Lanka.
All promotional efforts are lined up to enhance foreign media exposure on Sri Lanka with journalists promoting 08 brand enhancement events ( 8 wonderful experiences in 8 wonderful days) under Sri Lanka Tourism value proposition consisting Authenticity, Compactness and Diversity.
Selection Process
Awareness Creation
The target number of media for the program is announced at the beginning of every year and missions are informed accordingly to comply with the task. Basic criteria are as follows:
Receiving Inquiries
Journalists are sourced from each market mainly with the assistance of Embassies & High Commissions, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Airline agents, Destination Management companies, Public Relation Agents (where applicable) and by web research, contacts and inquiries received by any other credible source.
Media will be vetted by Public Relation Division of SLTPB to see if their profiles match with the objective. Main considerations under evaluation are:
* The cycle will repeat for all VJP inquiries in the same manner.
Main Points of Contact for Selection
Main areas of Sponsorship provided under the program
** Any other special requirements depending on the nature of the program/publication.
Main items to be included into the Media application
Deliverables & Follow up
The publicity follow up and obtaining copies ( both hard and soft ) is the responsibility of the SLTPB, PR Agents (if appointed by SLTPB) and Embassies/High Commissions in order to ensure ROI of the investment made to bring down the journalists.
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