Tourism Hotline: 1912

Ampara | Buddhangala Monastery

Buddhangala Monastery

Hidden among a thick jungle full of wild elephants and leopards is the Buddangalamonastery, a Buddhist meditation Centre, which is nearly 2300 years old.

Established in the second century BC by a provincial Princess named, Chitra;the ruins of a once thriving temple and monastery is found scattered over an area of 200 acres within the jungle. The standing ruins spreading across five rocky mountains scattered with ponds tells the story of a vast hermitage in the days gone by when Ampara was a flourishing agricultural and trade base in the East of Sri Lanka, then known as Digamadulla.

The Brahim letter inscriptions on the rock face explains the procedures of building the temple under the guidance of Princess Chitra and the supervision of her accountant , a written evidence of affluence and opulence of the age old Digamadulla.


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