Tourism Hotline: 1912

Ampara | Kudagala Forest Reserve & Monastery

Kudagala Forest Reserve & Monastery

Known as the Kuda-sigiriya for its drip ledged caves adorned with murals Kudagala had been a monastery for the last two thousand years. Situated few miles away from Dehiattakandiya Kudagala is a three hundred meter tall mountain in a range that governs the horizon on the Weheragala road.

Although most of the caves had been designed as abodes for the meditating monks and had been sponsored by a group of merchants, in the area, according to a rock inscription found on a rock table, one cave carries the remnants of murals drawn on a specially laid plaster inside a cave designed to be a shrine room. The murals drawn with natural colors mainly illustrate red, orange, green and brown and have been polished over with a natural wax to safeguard then from rain and glare. 


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